Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2
Series 2015-2016
20 May 2015
Section 1: Effective today, 20 May 2015, I am issuing
Department Order #2, Series 2015-2016,
noting the automatic
suspension of Daniel Ellis Camp #3.
Section 2: This is done in accordance with the
National Constitution &
Regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as approved
by the 2014 National Encampment, Chapter I, Camps,
Article I, Formation, Section 10 which reads:
“Any camp which fails to file its U.S. Internal Revenue Service
(“IRS”) Form 990N, or any future replacements for Form 990N, by the date
specified shall be automatically suspended. The Department Commander shall issue
a Department Order noting the automatic suspension."
Section 3: Camp #3’s tax exempt status was revoked
by the IRS several years ago. Camp #3's suspension cannot be lifted, and the Camp
returned to full active status until their IRS tax exempt status is
restored. Camp #3 is responsible for
working with the IRS to be reinstated, and also for paying all required fees
and any Federal/State corporate taxes owed.
The Department of NC is
ready to assist Camp #3 with this
process if help is requested.
Section 4: When under suspension a Camp
cannot conduct any business of the Order, other
than that which will bring them back into good standing.
So Ordered the 20th Day of May,
Yours in Fraternity, Charity
and Loyalty,
Dennis C.
St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of
North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the
Civil War
110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519
Attest: John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer