Department Order #6 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order No. 6
Series 2015-2016
15 December 2015


Section 1:  Effectively immediately, Brother Henry Duquette of the Major General John Gibbon-First Sgt. Daniel W. Burke Camp #2 is appointed as Department of North Carolina Graves Registration Officer.  This position was previously carried out by the Department of NC Commander.

Section 2:  Effectively immediately, Brother Edward Gibson of the Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 is appointed as Department Guide for the 7 May 2016 Department of North Carolina Encampment.

So ordered this 15th day of December, 2015

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC  27519
(919) 388-3042
Attest:         John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer

Department Order #5 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #5
Series 2015-2016
9 November 2015

Veterans Day

Section 1:  Wednesday, 11 November 2015, is Veterans Day.  The Department of North Carolina is very fortunate to have a history of strong veteran participation among its membership.  For example, in 2011, a survey was taken within the Ruger Camp #1 which revealed that 71% of the Camp’s adult members were US veterans.  Today, I am sure our Department ranks very highly when looking at the percentage of veterans within our membership.

Section 2:  Brothers, some of you serve or served as career military men, and some of you served as citizen soldiers.  No matter how we served our country, we all made sacrifices, as did our families, and as did our Civil War ancestors whose service and sacrifices are not forgotten.

Section 3:  What is a veteran?  The following quote (author unknown) says “A veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life.  That is an honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact.”  Another unknown author said “In war there are no unwounded soldiers.” 

Section 4:  Brothers, you and your families should all be proud of your military service, and the sacrifices that you have all made.  I also believe our Civil War ancestors would all be proud of our veteran status, as they were all very proud of theirs.  To the Brothers of our Order that are active military or veterans, and to all veterans, Thank you all for your service!

Section 5:  All Brothers and Camps of the Department of North Carolina are encouraged to
participate in Veterans Day observances in their local communities on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.  One of the “Purpose & Objects” of our order is to “cooperate in doing honor to all who have patriotically served our country in any war.”  I call on you all to fly your flag from your house, attend a local ceremony, or visit a war memorial or cemetery.  If nothing else, thank a veteran for his or her service--many veterans have never heard the words "thank you."

Section 6:  The following quote is from former senator, governor and veteran Zell Miller:
“For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives that protester the freedom to abuse and burn that flag.”
So Ordered this 9th Day of November, 2015

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Attest: John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer

Department Order #4 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #4
Series 2015-2016
16 September 2015

20th Anniversary of the MG Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1

The Major Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 was formed and recognized as an official Camp-at-Large of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War in 1995.  The Ruger Camp #1’s Date of Rank was assigned by then Commander-in-Chief David R. Medert on 16 September 1995.   Rev. Dr. Maurice E. Ankrom served as the Camp Organizer and was elected as the first Camp Commander.  Today, on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Ruger Camp #1, it is both a pleasure and an honor for me to express the congratulations and good wishes of the Department of North Carolina to the Ruger Camp #1, and all of the current and past members of the Camp.

The Ruger Camp’s Charter recognized the following “Worthy Brothers” as Charter Members:

Maurice Ankrom, William Davis, Roger Dostall, Eugene Mulhall, Charles Benrud, John Anthony, Herbert Birdsall, William Dartt, James Davis, Douglas Elwell, Harry Goodman, George Hale, Anthony Koehler, Kent McCoury, Yale Mooers, Myron Murley III, Michael Palmer, Steven Pirotte, Roscoe Reeve, Dallas Rightmyer, Thomas Rightmyer, Nathan Russell, Alonza Salter, Stephen Sayko, and Frederick Willshaw.

Over time, some of these Ruger Camp #1 Charter Members went on to help form more SUVCW Camps throughout North Carolina.  Since the Ruger Camp’s inception, thirteen   different Brothers have served as its Camp Commander.  Today, the Ruger Camp’s membership roster lists a total of forty Brothers, the largest Camp in the Department of North Carolina.  Over the past twenty years, the Ruger Camp #1 and its membership have set an example of achievement, dedication, and service to our National Order, always guided by the overall purpose “To perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the men who saved the Union 1861 to 1865” by keeping alive the memory of their service and sacrifice.

Congratulations to the Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, Department of North Carolina, for twenty years of outstanding service, and we wish the Camp success for many more years to come.

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War             
110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer

Department Order #3 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #3
Series 2015-2016
25 August 2015


The 134th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans was held August 20-23,
2015 in Richmond, Virginia.  Eugene G. Mortorff, PDC, Department of the Chesapeake, was elected Commander-in-Chief of our Order.  The Department of North Carolina congratulates Commander-in-Chief Mortorff on his election, and we thank Past Commander-in-Chief
Tad D. Campbell for his service to our Order as Commander-in-Chief.

I want to thank Department of NC Brothers Doug Elwell, PDC, Fred Fulcher, PCC, Rolf Maris, PCC, and James Johnson for attending the National Encampment with me as members of the Department of NC Delegation.  Their attendance and participation at the Encampment is greatly appreciated.  The Department of NC Delegation of five Brothers was the largest ever to attend the National Encampment.

National Award.  Department Secretary/Treasurer John R. France was named as a National Aide for his recruitment efforts since the 2014 National Encampment.  Commander-in-Chief Campbell, at his discretion, has made this award to any Brother who recruited at least five or more new members during his term in office.   Recipients of the award are recognized in General Orders, and will receive a certificate signed by the Commander-in-Chief. Congratulations to Brother France for being named a National Aide.

Real Sons & DaughtersCommander-in-Chief Eugene G. Mortorff, PDC, has appointed
me as a member of the National Special Committee on Real Sons & Daughters.  The purpose of the National Committee on Real Sons and Daughters is to identify and honor real sons or daughters of U.S. Civil War veterans.  We have one recognized Real Daughter in the Department of North Carolina, Irene Triplett of Wilkesboro, NC.  Please contact me if any additional information on possible Real Sons & Daughters should be discovered within our Department or anywhere throughout our Order.

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War             

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer

Department Order #2 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2
Series 2015-2016
20 May 2015


Section 1:  Effective today, 20 May 2015, I am issuing Department Order #2, Series 2015-2016,
 noting the automatic suspension of Daniel Ellis Camp #3.
Section 2:  This is done in accordance with the National Constitution &
Regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as approved 
by the 2014 National Encampment, Chapter I, Camps, Article I, Formation, Section 10 which reads:

“Any camp which fails to file its U.S. Internal Revenue Service 
(“IRS”) Form 990N, or any future replacements for Form 990N, by the date 
specified shall be automatically suspended. The Department Commander shall issue 
a Department Order noting the automatic suspension."  
Section 3:  Camp #3’s tax exempt status was revoked by the IRS several years ago.  Camp #3's suspension cannot be lifted, and the Camp returned to full active status until their IRS tax exempt status is restored.  Camp #3 is responsible for working with the IRS to be reinstated, and also for paying all required fees and any Federal/State corporate taxes owed.  The Department of NC is
ready to assist Camp #3 with this process if help is requested.

Section 4:  When under suspension a Camp cannot conduct any business of the Order, other than that which will bring them back into good standing.

So Ordered the 20th Day of May, 2015

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War         

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer

Department Order #1 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #1
Series 2015-2016
6 May 2015


Section 1:  Thank you for again giving me the opportunity to serve as Department Commander.  I also want to congratulate all of our elected and appointed Department Officers for 2015-2016.  Thank you to the Brothers of the Logan Camp #4 for serving as Encampment host, and thanks to all of you who attended our Department of NC 8th Encampment at Bennett Place.  Thanks also go out to Commander-in-Chief Tad D. Campbell, PDC, for attending our Encampment.  Special thanks to Senior Vice Commander Fred Fulcher, PCC, and Secretary/Treasurer John France, for all of their extra efforts in conducting the Encampment business in my absence.  Camp Commanders, please keep me aware of your Camp’s activities during the coming year, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Section 2:  Department of NC Brothers who were duly elected on May 2, 2015:
Commander                                                     Dennis St. Andrew, PDC
Senior Vice Commander                     William Fred Fulcher, PCC
Junior Vice Commander                     Rolf Cole Maris, PCC
Secretary/Treasurer                              John France
Council 1                                             Doug Elwell, PDC
Council 2                                             Jerry Devine, PDC
Council 3                                             Wendell Small, Jr., PCC
Section 3:  Department of NC Brothers appointed by the Department Commander:
             Patriotic Instructor                                          Jerry Devine, PDC
             Chaplain                                             Rolf Maris, PCC            
            Color Bearer                                        Max Speers, PCC
            Civil War Memorials Officer               Skip Riddle
            Eagle Scout Certificate Coordinator     Travis Masters
            Historian                                              James Crabtree
            Graves Registration Officer                             Dennis St. Andrew, PDC
So Ordered the 6th Day of May, 2015

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War         

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer