Department Order #3 Series 2015-2016

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #3
Series 2015-2016
25 August 2015


The 134th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans was held August 20-23,
2015 in Richmond, Virginia.  Eugene G. Mortorff, PDC, Department of the Chesapeake, was elected Commander-in-Chief of our Order.  The Department of North Carolina congratulates Commander-in-Chief Mortorff on his election, and we thank Past Commander-in-Chief
Tad D. Campbell for his service to our Order as Commander-in-Chief.

I want to thank Department of NC Brothers Doug Elwell, PDC, Fred Fulcher, PCC, Rolf Maris, PCC, and James Johnson for attending the National Encampment with me as members of the Department of NC Delegation.  Their attendance and participation at the Encampment is greatly appreciated.  The Department of NC Delegation of five Brothers was the largest ever to attend the National Encampment.

National Award.  Department Secretary/Treasurer John R. France was named as a National Aide for his recruitment efforts since the 2014 National Encampment.  Commander-in-Chief Campbell, at his discretion, has made this award to any Brother who recruited at least five or more new members during his term in office.   Recipients of the award are recognized in General Orders, and will receive a certificate signed by the Commander-in-Chief. Congratulations to Brother France for being named a National Aide.

Real Sons & DaughtersCommander-in-Chief Eugene G. Mortorff, PDC, has appointed
me as a member of the National Special Committee on Real Sons & Daughters.  The purpose of the National Committee on Real Sons and Daughters is to identify and honor real sons or daughters of U.S. Civil War veterans.  We have one recognized Real Daughter in the Department of North Carolina, Irene Triplett of Wilkesboro, NC.  Please contact me if any additional information on possible Real Sons & Daughters should be discovered within our Department or anywhere throughout our Order.

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War             

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  John France, Department Secretary/Treasurer