Department of North
Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #1
Series 2017-2018
18 May 2017
Section 1: The
Department of North Carolina’s 10th Annual Department Encampment was held on 6
May 2017 in Salisbury, NC. Thanks go out
to the Maj. General John Gibbon-First Sgt. Daniel W. Burke Camp #2 for serving
as Encampment host. Thanks also go out
to National Treasurer David McReynolds, PCC, for attending our Encampment as
Installing Officer, and thanks to Jerry Devine, PDC, for his service as
Department Commander this past year.
Congratulations to all of our elected and appointed Department Officers
for 2017-2018.
Section 2: Department
of NC Brothers who were duly elected and installed on 6 May 2017:
Commander Dennis
C. St. Andrew, PDC
Senior Vice Commander William
F. Fulcher, PCC
Junior Vice Commander Rolf C. Maris, PCC
Secretary-Treasurer* John R. France (resigned as of 6 May 2017)
Council Member 1 Douglas
P. Elwell, PDC
Council Member 2 Craig
R. Hipkins, PCC
Council Member 3 Alonza
Bryan Salter, PCC
*Secretary-Treasurer position vacancy to be filled by the
Department Council.
Section 3: Department
of NC Brothers appointed by the Dept. Commander & installed on 6 May 2017:
Chaplain Rolf
C. Maris, PCC
Color Bearer Max
Speers, PCC
Patriotic Instructor Edward C. Gibson
Signals Officer James
R. Johnson
Eagle Scout Certificate Coordinator K. Travis Masters
Civil War Memorials Officer Skip
V. Riddle
Graves Registration Officer Henry
C. Duquette
G.A.R. Records Officer Robert
A. Crum
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Henry C. Duquette (resigned as of 6 May 2017)
So Ordered the 18th Day of May, 2017
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519