Department Order #3 Series 2020-2021 5 June 2020

Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #3
Series 2020-2021
5 June 2020


Section 1:  In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 and commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The United States Army also celebrates the U.S. Army birthday on this date, since Congress adopted “the American continental army” after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775.

Section 2:  In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day, and on August 3, 1949, National flag Day was established by an Act of Congress under Title 36 of the United States Code, Subtitle I, Part A, Chapter 1, Section 110.
Section 3:  Following the Civil War, the men who fought under the flag of the United States knew of the great sacrifices that had been made to preserve the Union, and they wanted others, particularly students, to know about the flag and what it means to each of us. As Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, we have a responsibility to educate others about the flag of the United States and the proper respect it deserves.

Section 4: As members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, please remember Flag Day by flying the American flag at your home and encourage others to fly the flag at their homes and businesses.

Section 5: As members of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, additional things you can do to honor, recognize and celebrate the use of the American flag are:
·        Award Certificates of Commendation in recognition of exemplary Patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United of America, and this Certificate form can be purchased from the National Quartermaster.
·        Print and/or download the Flag Facts Flyers from our National website and distribute them to students and in such places as schools, libraries and history museums.
·        Camps can offer to perform Dignified Flag Disposal Ceremonies by using the written ceremony provided on our National website.

So ordered this 5th Day of June 2020

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Robert Alvin Crum, PCC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War  

649 Reservoir Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
(704) 310-0382

Attest: K. Travis Masters, PCC, Department Secretary-Treasurer