Department Order #9 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #9
Series 2017-2018
17 Dec 2017

MG George Stoneman Camp #6

Section 1:  The Major General George Stoneman Camp #6, headquartered in Lexington, North Carolina, is now an official Camp within the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.  The date of rank of the Stoneman Camp is 6 November 2017.  The Camp is named in honor of the Union cavalry commander who gained fame for his raids into Confederate territory, including western North Carolina.

Section 2:  Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day attended the Stoneman Camp Charter presentation special meeting on 16 December 2017 in Lexington, North Carolina.  I had the honor of presenting the Stoneman Camp Charter to the new Camp, and Commander-in-Chief Day installed the Camp’s newly elected and appointed officers during the meeting.
Section 3:  Camp Organizer Robert A. Crum is to be congratulated for successfully completing all the tasks necessary to form a new Camp
in our Order.  Brother Crum has also been elected as the first Camp Commander of the Major General George Stoneman Camp #6.

Section 4:  SUVCW Form 50 sums up the importance of forming new Camps, “The creation of new Camps within the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is one of the greatest ways in which we can honor our ancestors and ensure that there will always be Sons to protect our forefathers’ memorials, preserve their final resting places, and keep green the memory of their struggles and sacrifices to preserve the Union.  A new Camp enables more men to easily come together for this purpose, and to spread the geographic reach of our Order.”

Section 5:  Congratulations and best of luck to all the Stoneman Camp Brothers and their new Camp!

Ordered this 17th Day of December 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC      
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War       

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #8 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #8
Series 2017-2018
7 November 2017

Veterans Day 2017

Section 1:  Saturday, 11 November 2017, is Veterans Day.  According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Day is “a celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.  The Department of North Carolina is very fortunate to have a history of strong veteran participation among its membership. 

Section 2:  Brothers, some of you serve or served as career military men, and some of you served as citizen soldiers.  No matter how we served our country, we all made sacrifices, as did our families, and as did our Civil War ancestors whose service and sacrifices are not forgotten.

Section 3:  What is a veteran?  The following quote (author unknown) says “A veteran is someone, who at one point in their life wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life.  That is an honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact.”  Another unknown author said “In war there are no unwounded soldiers.” 

Section 4:  Brothers, you and your families should all be proud of your military service, and the sacrifices that you have all made.  I also believe our Civil War ancestors would all be proud of our veteran status, as they were all very proud of theirs.  To the Brothers of our Order that are active military or veterans, and to all veterans, Thank you all for your service!

Section 5:  All Brothers and Camps of the Department of North Carolina are encouraged to participate in Veterans Day observances in their local communities.  One of the “Purpose & Objects” of our order is to “cooperate in doing honor to all who have patriotically served our country in any war.”  I call on you all to fly your flag from your house, attend a local ceremony, or visit a war memorial or cemetery.  If nothing else, thank a veteran for his or her service--many veterans have never heard the words "thank you."

Section 6:  The following quote is from former senator, governor and veteran Zell Miller:
“For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives that protester the freedom to abuse and burn that flag.”

Section 7:  For this Veterans Day, I would like to give special recognition to one of our Department of NC veterans--Brother Max Speers, Department Color Bearer and Past Camp Commander of the MG Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1.  Brother Max is the recipient of the US Army Distinguished Service Cross, an award second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Max was awarded the DSC “For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam.  Sergeant Speers distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 21 November, 1966 while serving as Special Forces advisor to an irregular Vietnamese force during a search and destroy mission near Ben Soi.”   Max Speers
is also a Life Member of the Legion of Valor of the USA.  We thank Brother Max Speers for his exceptional service to our country.

So Ordered this 7th Day of November, 2017

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC   
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #7 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #7
Series 2017-2018
14 SEP 2017


Section 1:  Brother James R. Johnson, Department of NC Signals Officer and SVC/Signals Office of the Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, has created a new Department of North Carolina Internet website.  Further, Brother Jim designed and built this website with no cost to the Department of NC.

Section 2:  This website is in response to the vision of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War National Headquarters, and National Webmaster Brother James McGuire, to give the individual Departments more autonomy in support of the goals and mission of the SUVCW. The website is now accessible through the SUVCW National “Departments and Camps” webpage.
Section 3:  Further information will be forthcoming from Brother Jim on how best to contribute and share information through the new Department website.

Section 4:  Thank you Brother Jim for your efforts and diligence in support of this change in SUVCW approach to shared communications, and thank you for a job well done!

Ordered this 14th Day of September 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War      

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #6 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Commander Message
Series 2018-2019
 15 NOV 2018

To our Dept. Staff, Camp Commanders, and brothers of whom keep this great effort of Union history moving forward.

First I would like to thank all of you for your support and confidence in placing me in such an important historical position. I hope I can fulfill your hopes and aspirations.
Second I would like to thank you for all you have done over the years for this fine organization.  I do not know all of you, but hope over time this will be past history.
Thirdly say hello to all who support us in this effort and please feel free to pass this of course to all of you camp brothers, family and friends.

As you know there is quite a voice of concern here in Chapel Hill recently over the monument Silent Sam and of course other monuments across the country.

Durham has had its share of controversy as well.  Lets sit back and let those who are still fighting the civil war try to get a handle on their emotions.  A Va. Confederate Battle Flag was flown (banner behind a small aircraft) on Veterans Day locally around Chapel Hill. I hope that someday they will get the message that the fighting, hatred and white supremacy is no good for our Stars and Stripes and this nation. The nations flag is what our organization represents. I am glad I am on the right side of history. Over 700,000 died on both sides fighting for what they thought was right.

Moving forward to the holidays I wish you all the best, safe travels, watch those calories and try to participate in WAA and maybe purchase a wreath or two for a marker?  As of today the John. A Logan Camp (4) has purchased 9 which the camp uses as supplement for its fund raiser.  $5.00 per wreath goes to the camp. Wreaths are $25.00. Camp brothers normally purchase 12 wreaths per year. I myself have a automatic renewal account which takes no effort.

April is around the corner for our Encampment which I heard maybe will be held in Winston-Salem? I’ll keep you informed.

 Again thanks all, let’s have some fun and proudly wear our Union Blue uniforms that our ancestors fought and died for which kept this country going forward. Equality and freedom.  

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty, take care.

Dept. Cmdr. Paul Hesse, SUV, NC

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #6
Series 2017-2018
10 SEP 2017


Section 1:  A new Camp is forming in the Department of North Carolina.  I have approved an application to form the Major General George Stoneman Camp #6 in the town of Lexington, (Davidson County) North Carolina.   The Camp is named in honor of the Union cavalry commander who gained fame for his raids into Confederate territory, including western North Carolina.

Section 2:  Brother Robert A. Crum is the Stoneman Camp #6 Organizer.  Any Brothers or new members interested in joining the Stoneman Camp #6 should contact Brother Crum.  His contact information is as follows:

Robert A. Crum
ADDRESS:  927 N. Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144
PHONE:  704-310-0382

Ordered this 10th Day of September 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC     
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War      

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #5 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #5
Series 2017-2018
15 August 2017


The 136th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans was held August 10-13,
2017 in Lansing, Michigan.  Mark Day, PDC, Department of the Chesapeake, was elected Commander-in-Chief of our Order.  The Department of North Carolina congratulates Commander-in-Chief Day on his election, and we thank Past Commander-in-Chief
Donald L. Martin for his service to our Order as Commander-in-Chief.

National Award.  Brother James R. Johnson, Department of NC Signals Officer and SVC of the Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, was named as a National Aide for his recruitment efforts since the 2016 National Encampment.  Commander-in-Chief Martin, at his discretion, has made this award to any Brother who recruited at least five or more new members during his term in office.   Recipients of the award are recognized in General Orders, and may wear the National Ribbon behind their respective membership badge for a period of twelve (12) months.  Congratulations to Brother Jim for being named a National Aide, and for a job
well done!

Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War             

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #4 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #4
Series 2017-2018 
12 AUG 2017


Section 1:  Effective immediately, Brother Peter J. Meyer, Jr. is appointed as Department of North Carolina Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.  Brother Pete, of the NC Union Volunteers Camp #5, has agreed to serve in this position and we thank him.

Section 2:   His contact information is as follows:

ADDRESS:  3708 Levenham Road, New Bern, NC  28562

PHONE: (252) 670-3678

Ordered this 12th Day of August 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War  

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #3 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #3
Series 2017-2018
12 JUL 2017


Section 1:  The Department Council, by a majority vote, has filled the vacancy of the elective office of Department Treasurer.  Brother Travis Masters, of the NC Union Volunteers Camp #5, has agreed to serve as our Department Treasurer, and we thank him.

Section 2:  Effective immediately, all appropriate Department Treasurer business correspondence should be directed to Brother Masters.  His contact information is as follows:

ADDRESS:  103 Pirates Landing Drive, Beaufort, NC 28516

PHONE:  (252) 723-2669

Ordered this 12th Day of July, 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC     
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War          

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #2 Series 2017 - 2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2
Series 2017-2018
02 JUL 2017


Section 1:  The Department Council, by a majority vote, has filled the vacancy of the elective office of Department Secretary.  Brother Bryan Salter, PCC, of the NC Union Volunteers Camp #5 has agreed to serve as our Department Secretary, and we thank him.

Section 2:  Effective immediately, all appropriate Department business correspondence should be directed to Brother Salter.  His contact information is as follows:

ADDRESS:  P.O. Box 26, Sealevel, NC  28577

PHONE:  252-725-3528

Ordered this 2nd Day of July, 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC     
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War          

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #1 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #1
Series 2017-2018
18 May 2017


Section 1:   The Department of North Carolina’s 10th Annual Department Encampment was held on 6 May 2017 in Salisbury, NC.  Thanks go out to the Maj. General John Gibbon-First Sgt. Daniel W. Burke Camp #2 for serving as Encampment host.  Thanks also go out to National Treasurer David McReynolds, PCC, for attending our Encampment as Installing Officer, and thanks to Jerry Devine, PDC, for his service as Department Commander this past year.  Congratulations to all of our elected and appointed Department Officers for 2017-2018. 

Section 2:  Department of NC Brothers who were duly elected and installed on 6 May 2017:

Commander                                        Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Senior Vice Commander                    William F. Fulcher, PCC
Junior Vice Commander                     Rolf C. Maris, PCC
Secretary-Treasurer*                          John R. France (resigned as of 6 May 2017)
Council Member 1                              Douglas P. Elwell, PDC
Council Member 2                              Craig R. Hipkins, PCC
Council Member 3                              Alonza Bryan Salter, PCC

*Secretary-Treasurer position vacancy to be filled by the Department Council.
Section 3:  Department of NC Brothers appointed by the Dept. Commander & installed on 6 May 2017:

Chaplain                                                       Rolf C. Maris, PCC      
Color Bearer                                                 Max Speers, PCC
Patriotic Instructor                                        Edward C. Gibson
Signals Officer                                              James R. Johnson
Eagle Scout Certificate Coordinator             K. Travis Masters
Civil War Memorials Officer                          Skip V. Riddle
Graves Registration Officer                          Henry C. Duquette
G.A.R. Records Officer                                 Robert A. Crum
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer                      Henry C. Duquette (resigned as of 6 May 2017)
So Ordered the 18th Day of May, 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC 
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War        

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519