Department Order #12 Series 2020-2021 29 October 2020


Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #12

Series 2020-2021

29 October 2020

Veterans Day 2020

Section 1: Thursday, 11 November 2020 is Veterans Day. “Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace – dead or alive – although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices.” ( The SUVCW original (1954) and updated Federal Charter (1998) states that we “cooperate in honoring all those who have served our country patriotically in any war.” (Updated Federal Charter, Sec. 200302, No. 3) According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Day is “a celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”

Section 2: What is a veteran? Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a veteran as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.” A quote by an unknown author says “A veteran is someone, who at one point in their life wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life. That is an honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact.”  Another unknown author said, “In war there are no unwounded soldiers.”

Section 3: The Department of North Carolina is very fortunate to have a history of strong veteran participation among its membership. Brothers, some of you serve or served as career military men, and some of you served as citizen soldiers. No matter how we served our country, we all made sacrifices, including our families, and especially our Civil War ancestors whose service and sacrifices are not forgotten.

Section 4: Brothers, you and your families should all be proud of your military service, and the sacrifices that you have all made.  I also believe our Civil War ancestors would all be proud of our veteran status, since they were all very proud of theirs.  To the Brothers of our Order that are active military or veterans, and to all veterans, Thank you all for your service!

Section 5: All Brothers and Camps of the Department of North Carolina are encouraged to participate in Veterans Day observances in their local communities.  One of the “Purpose & Objects” of our order is to “cooperate in doing honor to all who have patriotically served our country in any war.”  I call on you all to fly your flag from your house, attend a local ceremony, or visit a war memorial or cemetery. If possible, visit and flag graves of Union veterans in remote locations, so they aren’t forgotten. If nothing else, thank a veteran for his or her service. Many veterans have never heard the words "thank you."

So ordered this 29th Day of October 2020


In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Robert Alvin Crum, PCC

Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
649 Reservoir Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
(704) 310-0382

Attest: K. Travis Masters, PCC, Department Secretary-Treasurer

Department Order #11 Series 2020-2021 26 October 2020


Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #11

Series 2020-2021

26 October 2020

2020 National Encampment and Elections

Section 1:  The 139th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War was held on Zoom on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

Section 2: Brian C. Pierson, PDC, was elected Commander-in-Chief of our Order. The Department of North Carolina congratulates Commander-in-Chief Pierson on his election, and we thank Past Commander-in-Chief Edward J. Norris for his service to our Order as Commander-in-Chief.

Section 3: Additional National Officers who were duly elected were Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Michael A. Paquette, PDC, Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Bruce D. Frail, PDC, and Council of Administration Kevin P. Tucker, PDC. The Department of North Carolina also congratulates all these Brothers on their election.

Section 4: In a contested election, our Brother from the Department of North Carolina, Henry C. Duquette, PDC, was elected for a one-year term to the National Office of Council of Administration, and he was appointed by the Commander-in-Chief as National Graves Registration Officer. The Department of North Carolina especially wants to congratulate our Department Brother on his election and appointment to these two National Offices.

Section 5: I want to thank all those who attended with me representing the Department of North Carolina at the 2020 National Encampment which were Dennis St. Andrew, as Past Department Commander, Henry C. Duquette, PDC, Fred Fulcher, PCC, Ed Gibson, PCC, Jim Johnson, and Travis Masters, PCC. Their attendance and participation in this National Encampment are greatly appreciated.

Section 6: In addition to participating in the election of Officers, Delegates to the National Encampment spent the day reviewing and voting on proposed changes to our Constitution and Regulations. One item of note was that Delegates reviewed and approved changes to the Ritual and Ceremonials Guide for the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The 2020 Edition of this Guide will be posted and available under the “Governance & Forms” section of our National website at

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Robert Alvin Crum, PCC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
649 Reservoir Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
(704) 310-0382
Attest: K. Travis Masters, PCC, Department Secretary-Treasurer
So ordered this 26th Day of October 2020

Department Order #10 Series 2020-2021 11 October 2020


Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #10

Series 2020-2021

11 October 2020


2020 Electronic National Encampment

Section 1:  On August 25, 2020, Commander-in-Chief Edward J. Norris issued General Order #37 advising that an abbreviated 2020 National Encampment will be held on Zoom on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

 Section 2: Voting members representing the Department of North Carolina at the 2020 National Encampment will be Robert Alvin Crum as Department Commander, Dennis St. Andrew as Past Department Commander, Henry C. Duquette, PCC as Delegate elected at our 2020 Department Encampment, Fred Fulcher, PCC as Delegate elected at our 2020 Department Encampment, Jim Johnson as Delegate elected at our 2020 Department Encampment, Ed Gibson, PCC as Delegate appointed by the Department Commander, since alternates aren’t permitted at this Encampment, and Travis Masters, PCC as Delegate appointed by the Department Commander, again since alternates aren’t permitted at this Encampment.         

Section 3:  On Friday, October 9, 2020, I submitted a Letter of Intent and Resume to National Secretary Jonathan C. Davis, PDC from our Department’s Junior Vice Commander Henry C. Duquette, PDC announcing his candidacy for the National Office of Council of Administration to fill the open one-year term. Election for this Office will transpire during the upcoming Electronic National Encampment.

 Section 4:  Brother Henry C. Duquette, PDC has actively served our Order since joining sixteen years ago. He currently serves as Aide-de-Camp to Commander-in-Chief Edward J. Norris and is the Junior Vice Commander and Graves Registration Officer for the Department of North Carolina. He also currently serves as Junior Vice Commander and Graves Registration Officer for Stoneman Camp No. 6 and Secretary-Treasurer and Graves Registration Officer for Gibbons-Burke Camp No. 2, both in the Department of North Carolina. Brother Duquette, PDC is also a Past Department Commander and served as Junior Vice Commander and Secretary for the Department of Rhode Island. He also served as Commander, Junior Vice Commander, Secretary, Treasurer and Graves Registration Officer in the Elisha Dyer Camp No. 7 in the Department of Rhode Island. Brother Duquette, PDC was a Delegate to the National Encampments in the years 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019.

 Section 5: There is a contender for the election of this position of Council of Administration, but with his experience, we can look forward to Brother Henry C. Duquette, PDC being elected as a National Officer.


So ordered this 11th Day of October 2020

 In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Robert Alvin Crum, PCC

Commander, Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War  

649 Reservoir Road

Burnsville, NC 28714

(704) 310-0382


Attest: K. Travis Masters, PCC, Department Secretary-Treasurer