Department Order #2 Series 2018-2019

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2
Series 2018-2019

17 August 2018


The 137th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans was held August 9-12, 2018 in Framingham, Massachusetts. Donald W. Shaw, PDC, Department of Michigan, was elected Commander-in-Chief of our Order. The Department of North Carolina congratulates Commander-in-Chief Shaw on his election, and we thank Past Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day for his service to our Order as Commander-in-Chief.

I want to thank Department of NC Brothers James Johnson, and Henry Duquette for attending the National Encampment as members of the Department of NC Delegation. Their attendance and participation at the Encampment are greatly appreciated.

National Award #1: The Department of North Carolina was the recipient of The Under Forty Award. This award is presented to the Department with the greatest number of new members under age forty (40) during the period 1 April through 31 March. The award is presented by the Commander-in-Chief based upon the information provided within the annual reports received by the National Executive Director no later than 31 May. The award is a certificate signed by Commander-in-Chief Mark R. Day.

National Award #2: The Department of North Carolina was also the recipient of The U.S. Grant Cup. This award is presented to the Department with the greatest percentage increase in membership during the period 1 April through 31 March. The award is presented by the Commander-in-Chief based upon the information provided within the annual reports received by the National Executive Director no later than 31 May. The award is a streamer for the Department of NC flag, and the departments name will also be inscribed on the permanent plaque at National Headquarters.

Also nominated for a National Award, and worthy of special recognition: The Department of NC Website (The Horace Greeley Award for most outstanding department website), and the George Stoneman Camp #6 (The Joseph S. Rippey Award for most outstanding new Camp). Brother James Johnson serves as Department Signals Officer & Webmaster, and Brother Robert Crum serves as Stoneman Camp #6 Camp Commander & Organizer.

Ordered this 17th Day of August 2018.

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC

Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519 (919)-388-3042

Attest: Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #1 Series 2018-2019

Department of North Carolina 

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 
Department Order #1 
Series 2018-2019 
10 May 2018 


Section 1: The Department of North Carolina’s 11th Annual Department Encampment was held on 5 May 2018 in Morehead City, NC. Thanks go out to the NC Union Volunteers Camp #5 for serving as Encampment host. Thanks also go out to Council of Administration Member Mike Paquette, PDC, for attending our Encampment as Installing Officer. Congratulations to all of our elected and appointed Department Officers for 2018-2019.

Section 2: Department of NC Brothers who were duly elected and installed on 5 May 2018:
          Commander                             Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
               (Serving in office until a successor is elected by the Department Council)
          Senior Vice Commander          William F. Fulcher, PCC
          Junior Vice Commander           Edward C. Gibson, PCC
          Secretary                                  Bryan Salter, PCC
          Treasurer                                  K. Travis Masters, PCC
          Council Member 1                    Douglas P. Elwell, PDC
          Council Member 2                    Robert Alvin Crum
          Council Member 3                    John R. France

Section 3: Department of NC Brothers appointed by the Dept. Commander & installed on 5 May 2018:
          Chaplain                                                    Rolf C. Maris, PCC
          Color Bearer                                              Max Speers, PCC
          Patriotic Instructor                                      Edward C. Gibson, PCC
          Eagle Scout Certificate Coordinator           K. Travis Masters, PCC
          Signals Officer                                            James R. Johnson
          Graves Registration Officer                        Henry C. Duquette
          G.A.R. Records Officer                               Robert A. Crum
          Assistant Secretary-Treasurer                    Peter J. Meyer Jr.

So Ordered the 10th Day of May 2018

In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC    
Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Department Order #10 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #10
Series 2017-2018
25 Apr 2018



Section 1. The Department shall be constituted and remain constituted as provided by the Constitution and Regulations (C&R) governing the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and shall be known as the DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR.  The Department is organized as an unincorporated association under the laws of the State of North Carolina. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code


Section 1. No part of the net earnings, if any, of this unincorporated association, shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the unincorporated association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)3.  No substantial part of the activities of the unincorporated association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the unincorporated association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws, the unincorporated association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an unincorporated association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an unincorporated association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 

Section 1. In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Department Charter, all Department property and assets shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War via the Department Commander of the affected Department acting as his duly authorized representative to collect and hold all such property in trust for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, an organization exempt from taxes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Section 2. All property of the Department shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which the Order exists.  Any such transfer or disposal within six months of disbandment or surrender of the Department Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Department shall not be divided among its members. 

Section 3. In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, no longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the State archives of North Carolina. 

Section 4. Notwithstanding the above language, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

That the Department enact a new Article XV, in accordance with the directive of General Order #11, Series 2016-2017 as follows:


Section 1. The Department of North Carolina and all subordinate Camps shall remain in full compliance with General Order 22, Series 2013-2014; the National Policy Regarding Minors adopted by the Council of Administration 11 July 2014, plus any subsequent policy, General Order, and/or Regulation of the Order regarding minor’s participation in any and all activities of the Order occurring within the Department.

Ordered this 25th Day of April 2018

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC      
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War       

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary