Department Order #7 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #7
Series 2017-2018
14 SEP 2017


Section 1:  Brother James R. Johnson, Department of NC Signals Officer and SVC/Signals Office of the Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, has created a new Department of North Carolina Internet website.  Further, Brother Jim designed and built this website with no cost to the Department of NC.

Section 2:  This website is in response to the vision of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War National Headquarters, and National Webmaster Brother James McGuire, to give the individual Departments more autonomy in support of the goals and mission of the SUVCW. The website is now accessible through the SUVCW National “Departments and Camps” webpage.
Section 3:  Further information will be forthcoming from Brother Jim on how best to contribute and share information through the new Department website.

Section 4:  Thank you Brother Jim for your efforts and diligence in support of this change in SUVCW approach to shared communications, and thank you for a job well done!

Ordered this 14th Day of September 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War      

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary

Department Order #6 Series 2017-2018

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Commander Message
Series 2018-2019
 15 NOV 2018

To our Dept. Staff, Camp Commanders, and brothers of whom keep this great effort of Union history moving forward.

First I would like to thank all of you for your support and confidence in placing me in such an important historical position. I hope I can fulfill your hopes and aspirations.
Second I would like to thank you for all you have done over the years for this fine organization.  I do not know all of you, but hope over time this will be past history.
Thirdly say hello to all who support us in this effort and please feel free to pass this of course to all of you camp brothers, family and friends.

As you know there is quite a voice of concern here in Chapel Hill recently over the monument Silent Sam and of course other monuments across the country.

Durham has had its share of controversy as well.  Lets sit back and let those who are still fighting the civil war try to get a handle on their emotions.  A Va. Confederate Battle Flag was flown (banner behind a small aircraft) on Veterans Day locally around Chapel Hill. I hope that someday they will get the message that the fighting, hatred and white supremacy is no good for our Stars and Stripes and this nation. The nations flag is what our organization represents. I am glad I am on the right side of history. Over 700,000 died on both sides fighting for what they thought was right.

Moving forward to the holidays I wish you all the best, safe travels, watch those calories and try to participate in WAA and maybe purchase a wreath or two for a marker?  As of today the John. A Logan Camp (4) has purchased 9 which the camp uses as supplement for its fund raiser.  $5.00 per wreath goes to the camp. Wreaths are $25.00. Camp brothers normally purchase 12 wreaths per year. I myself have a automatic renewal account which takes no effort.

April is around the corner for our Encampment which I heard maybe will be held in Winston-Salem? I’ll keep you informed.

 Again thanks all, let’s have some fun and proudly wear our Union Blue uniforms that our ancestors fought and died for which kept this country going forward. Equality and freedom.  

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty, take care.

Dept. Cmdr. Paul Hesse, SUV, NC

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #6
Series 2017-2018
10 SEP 2017


Section 1:  A new Camp is forming in the Department of North Carolina.  I have approved an application to form the Major General George Stoneman Camp #6 in the town of Lexington, (Davidson County) North Carolina.   The Camp is named in honor of the Union cavalry commander who gained fame for his raids into Confederate territory, including western North Carolina.

Section 2:  Brother Robert A. Crum is the Stoneman Camp #6 Organizer.  Any Brothers or new members interested in joining the Stoneman Camp #6 should contact Brother Crum.  His contact information is as follows:

Robert A. Crum
ADDRESS:  927 N. Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144
PHONE:  704-310-0382

Ordered this 10th Day of September 2017

In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Dennis C. St. Andrew, PDC     
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War      

110 Ivy Tree Place
Cary, NC 27519

Attest:  Bryan Salter, Department Secretary