Department Order #1 Series 2020-2021 18 May 2020

Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #1
Series 2020-2021
18 May 2020


Section 1: The Department of North Carolina’s 13th Annual Department Encampment was held on 16 May 2020. It was the Department’s first electronic encampment conducted using Zoom due to the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic. Many thanks go out to Brother Henry Duquette, PCC and Brother Jim Johnson for hosting and training our members on the use of Zoom, so our Encampment could be conducted. Additional thanks go out to Edward J. Norris, PDC, Commander-in-Chief, and our Installing Officer, Mark R. Day, Past Commander-in-Chief, and Bruce D. Frail, PDC, Council of Administration, for attending our Encampment.
Section 2: Department of North Carolina Brothers who were duly elected and installed on 16 May 2020 are as follows:

Commander Robert A. Crum, PCC
Senior Vice Commander Edward C. Gibson, PCC
Junior Vice Commander Henry C. Duquette, PCC
Secretary-Treasurer K. Travis Masters, PCC

Section 3: Department of North Carolina Brothers appointed by the Department Commander and installed on 16 May 2020 are as follows:

Patriotic Instructor Edward C. Gibson, PCC
Chaplain Rolf C. Maris, PCC
Counselor Dennis St. Andrew, PDC
Graves Registration Officer Henry C. Duquette, PCC
Guard Peter P. Bahuk, Jr.
G.A.R. Records Officer Robert A. Crum, PCC
Eagle Scout Certificate
Coordinator K. Travis Masters, PCC
Assistant Department Secretary-Treasurer William M. Ewalt
Signals Officer James R. Johnson

So ordered this 18th Day of May 2020
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Robert Alvin Crum, PCC
Commander, Department of North Carolina
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
649 Reservoir Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
(704) 310-0382