Department Order #13 Series 2020-2021 3 February 2021


Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department Order #13

Series 2020-2021

3 February 2021



Section 1:  During the 13th Annual Encampment for the Department of North Carolina held last May 16, 2020 via Zoom, the Department agreed to conduct the 14th Annual Department Encampment on Saturday, May 1, 2021, and it is to be hosted by Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp No. 1.


Section 2: The Coronavirus Pandemic continues to spread, and as COVID-19 mutates, additional variants are more likely to spread at a faster rate. Some of the vaccines being developed and distributed may not protect against some of the variants. A high rate of infections and death will continue until we reach herd immunity by vaccinating a large percentage of our population. Current projections show that herd immunity may not occur until late 2021 or early 2022. It continues to be unsafe to meet indoors in larger numbers and to eat at indoor restaurants where COVID-19 appears to be more contagious.


Section 3:  The elected officers of the Department of North Carolina met on two occasions through Zoom to discuss whether we should meet in person for our upcoming Department Encampment or conduct the Encampment by Zoom. The conclusion reached in our more recent meeting is that it would be unwise to meet in person for the upcoming Encampment on May 1.

Section 4: The Department of North Carolina will not meet in person for the upcoming 14th Annual Department Encampment and will conduct the Encampment using Zoom. Since we are not meeting in person, the Encampment will not be hosted by Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp No. 1. The Department of North Carolina Signals Officer Jim Johnson will be the host on Zoom and will send out the link for the Zoom meeting by email just prior to the Encampment. More details will be distributed to the Department once additional planning for the Encampment is completed.


So ordered this 3rd day of February 2021


In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,

Robert Alvin Crum, PCC

Commander, Department of North Carolina

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War  

649 Reservoir Road

Burnsville, NC 28714

(704) 310-0382


Attest: K. Travis Masters, PCC, Department Secretary-Treasurer